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The big return to the islands

February is the month of the big return to the islands. Winter holidays are over, winter travelling -for those who work hard in the summer- is over as well. People are coming back, just in time to see the almond trees blooming and some red poppies that timidly started appearing to the fields.

It’s refreshing to be back. There’s no other word for it. It’s refreshing for the eyes, to be able to gaze far away without walls getting in the way. It’s refreshing for the nose to smell the grass and the rain again. It’s refreshing for the ears to hear nothing but waves and silence. It’s this silence I miss, every time I am away. It’s not a lonely silence; not at all; it is full of emotions, in the way that a white cloud of an impressionist is always full of color.

Sorry if I sound too corny, but this is my favorite period of the winter: the gap between the Christmas craziness and the carnival craziness is perfect to see friends, to work without distractions, to get organized, plan things… February with its promise of spring could be a reminder of all good things that lie ahead.

 Photos: Tinos island at this time of the year


words by maria alipranti | photography by christos drazos