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June swimmers


We are halfway through June and the last couple of days left us with a strong summer impression. Warm and calm, the kind of days that bring sounds of fishing boat engines and seagulls through open windows and waving curtains just to tease us; there is work to be done and even the hours of a bright, long summer day are not enough to get it over with. Many of my island friends use to drive to work having a swimsuit and a bathing towel in their car, in case they decide to go swimming on their way home from work. Those spontaneous mid-week escapes are the best: having the beach to yourself, amazed by the sense of freedom… surrounded by land that is gradually taking its golden summer colors; the sand is dry and the sky is cloudless; being the first to leave footprints on the sand, how great is that?


photos by christos drazos

words by maria alipranti


  • Ida Radovanovic30/07/2015 - 8:19 pm

    you really have a special website, can you please post more often 🙂 🙂ReplyCancel