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Breakfast, anyone?

I ♥ Saturday morning  breakfast

…because I can stay longer in bed and then, have breakfast until my second cup of coffee is cold and the last page of my magazine is turned. On a really lazy Saturday, breakfast is bought: a delicious warm Koulouri Thessalonikis, sprinkled with sesame that falls on the pages of the magazine and stays there forever… You can find that type of Koulouria in all the bakeries, but I think that street vendors sell the best; their koulouria are thinner, a little crunchier and slightly sweeter. On your way to work, you can also buy a small triangle cheese to accompany your koulouri, but for Saturday’s breakfast, an Aegean island graviéra (local variety Gruyère cheese) is so much better!

What was your breakfast today?


photography by christos drazos

words by maria alipranti