Category Archives: LIFE
 .jpg) and the wind is still strong here …At the Aegean islands; it calms during the night when the sea waves stand still and the full moon is reflecting on the water surface. I am waiting for the blue moon’s rise from the mountains of Naxos. Wrapped around my jean jacket and scarf and with a […]
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 .jpg) The golden pasteli of Amorgos Pasteli, the diamond shaped traditional sweet made of sesame seeds and honey, is closely connected with life’s festivities in the Aegean Sea, and mostly in Amorgos island. For the people of Amorgos, the preparation of the soft, nutritious and healthy pasteli, is another reason to feast. On the 17th of […]
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 .jpg) The day that Aegean celebrates… …With masses and fairs, litanies and treats…it is the name day of Panaghia (Virgin Mary), and a common feeling of reverence unites the golden Aegean islands. The numerous white steeple churches dedicated to the name of Panaghia celebrate today, with their cool yards decorated with fresh basil and colorful […]
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 .jpg) …and back to the flavors of my childhood I am once again on the Blue Star Boat, returning to my island after several months of travelling and a big dose of Athens; I feel strange, the winter memories of the island being all quiet and calm are still vivid within my mind. Now, the ferryboat […]
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 .jpg) The wave whisperers of Messakti Beach We are in Messakti beach, still in Ikaria island; Time seems to have stop as we hang out at one of the coolest beach bars of the Aegean; Listening to reggae and blues, drinking local refreshments, gazing at the sea… Okay, correction, gazing at the groups of surfers that […]
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