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Day by day


Day by day, we gain a couple of treasured minutes of daylight. It is enough to open a crack in winter greyness and take courage to jump over the time-gap that leads to spring. It’s still very cold, very rainy and very dark, but we start paying attention to the afternoon chirping of the birds and the soft earthy smell of the land; small but reassuring signs of the passing of time: the sunny days will come; we will get there.

I was looking at this Christo’s Kythira photo and I swear, my day got a lot brighter. Happy, sunny, carefree days that captivate the mind, leading to an inevitable daydream. Summer swimmers are like butterflies, they went through a winter cycle of metamorphosis to get into the sea water lighthearted and present. From the clear blue waters of Kythira they show us the way to a Mediterranean playfulness, that is only half asleep in cold February afternoons.


photos by christos drazos

words by maria alipranti