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The Apple Martini

At the old port of Naoussa, Paros island

I am walking quickly inside the traditional settlement of Naoussa, trying not to stop every two minutes to gaze at the elegant boutique windows that attract me like sirens. I am very excited because I am about to meet my friends Sophia, Panos and Christos at the old port and try Pano’s famous apple martini!

When I arrived, Panos was already behind the bar preparing the cocktails with confidence and concentration… We settled at the wooden island couches by the sea and soon, TaTaaa, we were holding the colorful cocktails and watching people pass by all dressed up going out for the night.

We found ourselves into the perfect setting: the sunset behind the old castle of the port, the colors of the boats painting the still waters, the full moon that just made a breathtaking appearance… The apple martini was cool, delicious and the flavors of the fresh fruit made a difference.

I felt so pleased and relaxed as I was part of a music video clip : )

Could it be the cocktails, the lounge music or the scenery?

No, it was about spending a nice time with friends. It was about Sophia and Panos, being in love and radiant; About telling jokes and being creative; About enjoying the company of wonderful people.

The perfect setting doesn’t exist, unless you have good friends to share it with.

The apple martini recipe  /   by Panos Karakostas


Ingredients for a cocktail:


  • 1/3 of a green apple
  • 20 ml sugar syrup
  • Juice of half a fresh lime
  • 20 ml apple liquor
  • 50 ml vodka




Muddle the apple, sugar syrup and apple liquor.

Add the other ingredients. Pour into a cocktail shaker with 8 ice cubes. Shake well and strain into a martini glass.


PS. Thanks to the Shark Bar & especially Nektarios for the hospitality.


words: maria alipranti

© photo by    c. drazos

  • Theo Saramandis18/02/2013 - 6:48 am

    Thanks to the Shark Bar & especially Nektarios & Mania for the hospitality.ReplyCancel