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Winter is coming

Talking about the weather

I know I may sound like one of the Game of Thrones characters, but the weather topic, is not an icebreaker nor just small talk when you live in the country. 

Everybody here is talking about the weather and about the winter that is coming: will it rain enough to save the crops; when will it stop raining in order to start the olive harvest; what are the best alternative heating solutions;

Often, the above questions are answered during the tsikoudia or souma distillation procedure, which signals the beginning of the winter at the Aegean islands. The “cauldrons” period starts now and the fire burns without stop as the distillers give the transparent strong alcoholic beverage that will keep us warm at winter joyful gatherings. Wintertime in the islands is a unique experience. It is romantic and it is wild in the same time. It is a challenge. And I love it.


words by maria alipranti

photography by christos drazos